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Welcome to the online MissaRaeBerry Portfolio. This talented performer is highly passionate about every project she comes across.

All photos on this page taken & edited by Cerith Morgan - Jones (cerithmj)

Services: Services


Learn with M R B of how to feel emotions through steps and experiences.

MissaRaeBerry sees performance as not only a profession but also a lifelong passion that can be harnessed to make a meaningful difference. At a young age, Missa became an artist and began viewing performances as a way to help others express their emotions, challenges, and adversities through movement with sounds. Missa has experience in teaching all ages from 5 - 45 with classes upto 30 students. She also has experience with 1 on 1 classes to help those individuals who are wanting to focus more on their weaknesses and want to gain / focus on certain areas such as : flexibility, styles, alignments and balance (body strength). If you choose this service today, you’ll discover the difference quality coaching makes on your growth as a performer. As an artist like you, they understand the experience and talent necessary to make it big in the industry. Interested in this service? Schedule your first appointment today.


Healing Through Dance

MissaRaeBerry  has amassed a diverse range of skills and techniques over the years which has made her a confident freestyler. From a little girl she used to watch her father dance in the living room and her little face would light up with delight and proudness! Her father was a big fan of street, break, and a body popper. From this Missa went from football to focus on dance as she noticed that's how her father would escape from reality. When Missa started high school she took her first dance class (aged 12) located in her surroundings... company called "Dance Factory".  This school mainly focused on Disco, Slow, Jazz, Rock N Roll and HipHop. Missa won numerous trophies and her biggest goal was coming 7th out of 500 people in a street dance competition. Another goal Missa shared with us was that a University studying Dance Teaching and Performance in Movement, London based only take 14 students a year and she was chosen to be one of them. Missa studied Musical Theatre at College and this is what allowed Missa to open up her knowledge through the decades of dance learning many more styles such as: Contemporary, Tap, JitterBug, Salsa, Ballroom, Ballet and so on. Missa has a serious passion for music and enjoys allowing the body to be free to any beat and then the steps naturally come from within the soul. Not until then are you ready to take the spotlight.


Hear the words you sing. Let your voice be heared

From being the high pitched kid who would curse her families ears to the young lady who's got lungs with a fans. Always been a fan of singing.... i mean who isn't right? We all sing whether it's singing along to your favourite tune or singing in the shower to singing along to the car stereo ... we all do it! 

Always been self taught from just singing at local karaoke bars to singing on stages in productions but I'd say for me it was more about socialising with club members. Starting as the out comer then to be noticed to people as the next big thing. Always practising with my older sister whether we use hair brushes as mics and mirrors as cameras we would find our selves imagining being famous, just bouncing our energies off one another. I get alot of comfort from my sisters appearance, well ... i mean after all we are both one another's biggest fan and support and love one another unconditionally.  We both started out singing pop & acoustics then led separate ways however, still today singing together takes us back to our childhood memories. 

I became more well known with my voice when i hit University and started to understand techniques which over all was new to me as I'm self taught. I learnt that I was a "Secondary Soprano" and had amazing opportunities singing in choirs and as an assemble.

My rangers are: 

  • Pop

  • Modern

  • Acoustic

  • Blues

  • Musical theatre

  • HipHop / Rap 


Impress Your Look, Be Bold, Be You

Lady M R B is a fully trained and qualified Makeup Artist in Stage makeup and Media makeup. She also has experience in Beauty Therapy and all courses cover a level 3 diploma (qualified since 2012). 
Having background with makeup is important for all talents covered as it's all about the way you look and having this skill is a bonus and saves time especially when modelling as saves costs of an MUA. 
It's mainly important because if you're a set character you can be open minded on what styles will suit and by exploring you and the photographer can focus more on the shaping of art instead of having to waste time. 
On all courses she managed to get Distinction*'s (A*s) throughout. One of my main projects in College was to use prosthetic and to set her self the ultimate challenge she worked on creating "The Grinch" a film starring Jim Carey about Christmas and how much he hates it. Again came out with a Distinction* which she was overally pleased with as she didn't realise how hard it was to complete such a task. 
Since her studies she has been a mobile Makeup Artist doing makeup for nights out up to wedding makeup doing up to 6 ladies at once with little timing. Missa is a fast worker which in the performing industy is key.


Is Cinderella Real?

Does it matter if Cinderella is real? If the character is played for you to believe and the story is being told correctly then in my personal opinion why does it matter?. 

Great acting training focuses on the whole instrument: voice, mind, heart, and body. While we can’t get far without vocal technique, intellectual dexterity, and text-work skills, a strong physical presence is crucial to the professional actor. 

Here are some practitioners and their techniques that i have & still use frequently... (studied these methods during University modules).

Alexander Technique
This well-known practice applies specialized body-awareness strategies to correct unnecessary tension in actors and non-actors alike. Orator Frederick Matthias Alexander developed the technique in the late 1800s as a way of combatting his own vocal problems, and quickly discovered that unlearning certain breathing and posture habits was the key to maximizing his own physical functionality. The approach has grown tremendously over the past century; Alexander Technique is taught (and practiced) in training programs across the world, and many actors swear by it as a solution to physical, vocal, and even mental restrictions.
Jacques Lecoq
This renowned actor and teacher used a mix of mime, mask work, and other movement techniques to develop creativity and freedom of expression within his students. L'École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq, the Parisian school he founded in 1956, is still one of the preeminent physical training centers in the world, developing artists of all kinds through its two-year conservatory and a variety of specialized workshops. The work is largely improv-based, and draws on historical movements like Commedia Dell’arte and clown work as well as Lecoq’s famous neutral mask technique and psychological exercises involving elements, colors, and seasons.

Corporeal Mime
According to the great Étienne Decroux, “One of the characteristics of our world is that it is sitting down. Corporeal mime stands up.” The famed actor developed the technique as a counterargument to pantomime, using its expressive movements to illustrate abstract concepts—not merely as a placeholder for everyday actions. The technique works inside out as a mode of expression, “making the invisible visible.” Physical theaters all over the world use corporeal mime to explore (and illustrate) the inner recesses of human emotion, turning thoughts and feelings into stage-worthy visuals.
Here's just 3 practitioners/techniques i've picked to highlight. The public can be narrow minded when it comes to performing so as a performer by providing you evidence about some acting techniques it shows you that theres much more to learn about and as to why we should thank all actors... without actors we wouldn't have T.V Programs, films, series nor stage acts. 

I started my experience in high school y10 as i took topics - Performing Arts & Art. From that day on i continued my studies all the way through College & Univeristy. 

Some performances I have done & roles 

  • The Wiz - Role: Tinman

  • Grease - Role: Sandy 

  • Rent - Role: Mimi 

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream - Role: Robin 

  • Romeo&Juliet - Role: Benvolio 

  • London Road - Role: Sarah

  • Dantons Death - Role: Juliet (wife)

  • Measure for Measure - Role: Pompey


South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

©2020 by MissaraeberryModel.

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